Search results for "install"

Discuss Search
Last modified Tue Jul 8 16:34:43 UTC 2014
. . . reat example is if you search Aneuch's own wiki site for the term "%search install%", the page [[Installing]] is at the very bottom of the results (and at pr . . . returns 18 pages in its results list). So for someone looking for help on installing Aneuch, they aren't exactly going to get much help through search (unle . . . test. Something so that in the above example, a simple search on the term "install", will produce the top result as the likeliest most relevant page. Perhap . . .

What Is Aneuch
Last modified Fri Oct 24 19:40:19 UTC 2014
. . . a single [[|Perl]] script, with optional plugins. When installed, it generates a web site where users can read, change, create and even d . . . ul * Fast * Well documented (code, user guide, etc) * Easy to use, easy to install See also [[Vision and Mission]] ===Filesystem vs. Database Aneuch choose . . . be included in the base code. Not only would using a database complicate installation, it would complicate development. While MySQL is certainly the most p . . .

Version 0.40
Last modified Mon Nov 24 16:19:47 UTC 2014
. . .|Download Aneuch 0.40]], then follow the [[Installing|installation instructions]] (or see the [[Upgrading]] guide) ==New Fea . . . den if you have a robots.txt file already in the web directory your Aneuch installation runs from. **Revision Editing** - Aneuch now allows you to edit any . . .

Last modified Wed Oct 18 19:24:43 UTC 2017
. . . usion with actual page [[Templates]] and the themes. Before upgrading your install, you could rename the templates directory to themes. ---- ==0.41 -> 0.42 N . . . ue (or 1) by default, however if you do not wish to use .htaccess for your install, you will need to set this variable to 0. ---- ==0.10 -> 0.20 Before you a . . .

Last modified Mon Oct 16 00:26:29 UTC 2017
. . . etween page revisions * [[RecentChanges]] * [[Discussion Pages]] * Easy to install * Extensible via plugins * Simple page storage (see [[What_Is_Aneuch#Files . . . ** UNIX ** Linux ** Maybe MacOS X and Windows (untested!) * Super easy to install * System Requirements: ** Perl 5.10 or higher ** grep ** diff ** awk ===N . . .

Wiki Farm
Last modified Sun Jul 10 14:20:50 UTC 2016
. . . latively simple process. What exactly is a wiki farm? It is where a single installation of wiki software powers multiple wiki sites. In fact, the very wiki y . . . a farm (this main wiki, as well as the [[Playground]] operate on the same installation with separate configuration files and data storage locations). . . .

Version 0.41
Last modified Mon Nov 24 16:13:08 UTC 2014
. . .|Download Version 0.41]], then follow the [[Installing|installation instructions]] (or see the [[Upgrading]] guide) ==Change . . .

Version 0.42
Last modified Sat Oct 21 16:46:45 UTC 2017
. . .|Download Version 0.42]], then follow the [[Installing|installation instructions]] (or see the [[Upgrading]] guide) ==Change . . .

Version 0.50
Last modified Fri Jul 8 19:37:56 UTC 2016
. . .|Download Aneuch 0.50]], then follow the [[Installing|installation instructions]] (or see the [[Upgrading]] guide) ==New Fea . . .

Version 0.30
Last modified Mon Mar 17 15:02:29 UTC 2014
. . .|Download Aneuch 0.30]], then follow the [[Installing|installation instructions]]. ==New Features **[[Spam|Anti-Spam]]** - A . . .

Last modified Wed Mar 18 16:16:06 UTC 2015
. . . * [[Documentation]] -- documentation to get you started using Aneuch ** [[Installing]] -- how to install Aneuch ** [[Configuring]] -- how to configure Aneuc . . .

Last modified Sat Sep 3 23:19:02 UTC 2016
. . . [[HomePage]] * [[What Is Aneuch]] ===[[Documentation]] * [[Features]] * [[Installing]] * [[Configuring]] * [[Markup]] * [[Creating_Pages]] * [[Deleting_Page . . .

Plugins Snippets
Last modified Sat Nov 25 16:04:31 UTC 2017
. . . o input the HTML source for each snippet code. ==Usage Once the plugin is installed, go to the Admin screen, and select the option "Manage snippets". Once . . .

Last modified Mon May 31 14:31:10 UTC 2021
. . . ]]. I wanted to try out MoinMoin, but it was a royal pain trying to get it installed and working correctly. I'd used DokuWiki in the past, and was leaning to . . .

Version 0 20
Last modified Fri Mar 14 02:33:02 UTC 2014
. . . work** - Version 0.20 implements a "theme framework" whereby themes can be installed and activated through the settings file. **404 Status** - Pages that do . . .

Version 0 20 DevTrac
Last modified Mon Apr 29 19:19:34 UTC 2013
. . . age, but will now be $PageDir/H/HomePage. This makes upgrading an existing installation a bit of a pain, but not impossible (you'll merely have to create dir . . .

Comparing Filesystems and Databases
Last modified Thu Aug 1 15:01:18 UTC 2013
. . . ually some overhead on the data. Advantages of files: * You don't have to install and maintain additional software. * The wiki may be written so that you ca . . .

Developing Themes
Last modified Thu Nov 23 02:44:22 UTC 2017
. . . ion_0_10|version 0.10]] there is no "theme framework" with which one could install/activate a theme. The way to do it is either set $Header and $Footer direc . . .

Discuss Version 0.30 DevTrack
Last modified Fri Feb 14 03:24:57 UTC 2014
. . . e wiki who has replaced the default markup engine with, say, markdown, and installed a plugin that expects (and outputs) creole. The alternative to this is . . .

Last modified Wed Jul 6 17:37:48 UTC 2016
. . . created a playground for you to test Aneuch without having to download or install it. It is available at [[]]. It is a wide-op . . .

Discuss Version 0.60 DevTrack
Last modified Sun Oct 29 11:41:47 UTC 2017
. . . not all shell expansions are untainted. This will generate errors in some installations (apparently not in my dev environment though... weird). Here are th . . .

Last modified Sat Jul 9 12:58:54 UTC 2016
. . . ever the official announcement hasn't been made until now. Go download it, install it, test it, break it, and report back! ===February 14th, 2014 Some progr . . .

Last modified Sat Dec 12 17:57:01 UTC 2015
. . . l documentation. ===Administrators Administrators can get assistance in [[Installing]] or [[Configuring]] your new Aneuch wiki. Occasionally, you may have t . . .

Plugins Links
Last modified Sun Nov 26 14:23:50 UTC 2017
. . . s. The link will then be appended to the page. ==Usage Once the plugin is installed, log in as an administrator and navigate to the page 'Links'. You will s . . .

Last modified Thu Feb 18 03:09:12 UTC 2016
. . .|aneuch_0.50.tgz]] Then refer to the [[Installing]] instructions. ===Status=== What works, and what doesn't? **Working: . . .

Version 0.40 Changelog
Last modified Fri Nov 14 15:27:25 UTC 2014
. . . nfFile is now './' due to some strange issues observed in another installation - InitVars: $ENV{'PATH'} now includes /usr/local/bin and /usr/pkg . . .

Discuss Roadmap to 1.0
Last modified Fri Dec 12 15:17:50 UTC 2014
. . . rimary) goal I had for Aneuch was to make it a set-and-forget program. You install it, and that's it. You start using it, and forget the software is even the . . .

Discuss Installing
Last modified Mon Oct 31 23:17:44 UTC 2016
. . . How could I go to install this and use it under `nginx`? Any tip appreciated. -- 184-89-2-2.res.bhn . . .

Last modified Wed Jul 31 16:15:45 UTC 2013
. . . Installing Aneuch is easy. Simply extract the archive using the command "**`tar -x . . .

29 pages found.