You are viewing Revision 7 of Version_0.30

gammaThis page is all about version 0.30 of Aneuch. This is the successor to version 0.2x, and is considered the "gamma" version.

More info on Version_0.30_DevTrack

New Features

Anti-Spam - Aneuch 0.30 has introduced strong anti-spam features which make it a breeze for wiki administrators to keep spammers out.

APIs - The 0.30 release of Aneuch has introduced several friendly API calls for developers (and even wiki administrators) to use to add functionality to the engine. This allows you to call a simple subroutine rather than modify hash values directly.

Rate Limiting - A form of protection against too many hits in too short of time (note that this is not very effective for DoS attacks, as the script needs to load and execute each time).


Version 0.30 Changelog


  • Begin working on 0.30:
    Target: None Actual: 15 May 2013
  • Required features done:
    Target: 6 September 2013 Actual:
  • Testing of all required features:
    Target: 13 September 2013 Actual:
  • Documentation complete:
    Target: 13 September 2013 Actual:
  • Download made available:
    Target: 13 September 2013 Actual: