You are viewing Revision 2 of Version_0.40_DevTrack


This list is a preliminary list of the features that I'm working on for 0.40. The first three are carry-over from Version 0.30.

Category Pages?

Perhaps I can implement some sort of category pages, which would gather a list of all pages tagged with a particular category.


Certain types of wiki sites may have need to set up document "templates". That is to say, if there are a set of pages within the wiki which should have a similar outline and layout, it would be much easier to build and deploy that wiki if one were able to create a skeleton "template". Then, you could simply create a new page based on the template, fill out the relevant sections, and you're done!


As mentioned on the Future page, I'd like to implement shortcodes. A plugin can register a shortcode that gets replaced by code from that plugin at display time. A similar mechanism is available in software such as Wordpress.

I will convert everything over to using the module, rather than "re-inventing the wheel". This will ultimately also allow...

File Uploads

This release of Aneuch should allow file uploads.