You are viewing Revision 4 of Version_0.30_DevTrack



First up to bat for version 0.30, I want to re-write the outputting mechanism of Aneuch. Rather than print statements I want to write a subroutine that adds text to an internal variable. Then this would be outputted all at once at the end.

A benefit of this is extra HTTP headers could be added to the output while output is being built (page not found, etc). Currently it's not possible for Aneuch to do this.


Anti-spam should be at the top of the priority list for 0.30.

Category Pages?

Perhaps I can implement some sort of category pages, which would gather a list of all pages tagged with a particular category.

Flexible Data Structure

As it is right now, the data structure behind pages in Aneuch is very structured (i.e. certain elements are expected, and there's no easy way to add/remove elements). I'd like to do some work on loosening this some, allowing a more "free" structure, whereby elements can be added or removed as is necessary.